Thanks to some quick thinking and some amazing friends, my Amazon account got a pretty nice deposit last night. I was able to purchase Caleb one of his "must haves" for Christmas and still have over 40 dollars remaining in "free money". I do so love free. I plan on sitting on the rest and watching out for some hot deals the closer we get to Black Friday.
Yesterday was not a great day. I woke up just irritable and couldn't seem to pull myself out. I knew it was a "me" problem and tried to let everyone know it wasn't personal, but I was a total bitch to deal with. I didn't even get a full walk in because my mood was so off. I came home instead and angry cleaned. Doing that and the laundry helped me wake up in much better spirits today. Knowing that the house isn't a wreck means I can focus on getting my work out in.
The situation with the demon is still not settled. Seems that no one wants him next week. I suggested that the man call his mother (he does have a mother after all) and let him stay with her. Why it is everyone expects ME to have some great bond with this child when they all do not, is beyond me. His own mother doesn't want to see any of them. Am I the only one that grasp this?
So, it looks like I have two choices. Suck it up or use some of my saved funds and spend three days at a hotel. It is the San Diego...not going to happen. So, apparently sucking it up is my only option. I do know that after Wednesday, he will be gone until Sunday. I guess I can handle that. I plan on taking Caleb and Emily out early every day and staying out late. The beach will be nice, they can spend a few hours there, we can pack a picnic, and then hit the park. If I time it right, we never have to see him. Tuesday's are free museum days, so that should be a fun experience too. Now is not the time for me to play fast and loose with my funds. As nice as it would be to have a getaway...the bigger picture is far more important.
I broke out in hives this morning? WTF?? I have had this happen a few times, but typically only during extremely stressful situations. I am not stressed at all. My body must not know what to do with calm. Planning on taking some Benydral when we get back from our walk. Hopefully that clears up the itching. I just think it is hysterical that my body is reacting to calm in this manner. I have some seriously messed up messages going on within there.
I was woken up last night by something crashing somewhere. I got up thinking it woke everyone up, but they were all sound asleep. I am starting to wonder if I was just having a vivid dream. I walked around and couldn't find anything out of place, so went back to bed hoping that someone wasn't breaking in through another room. Now I wonder if it wasn't someone sneaking in...funny how that didn't occur to me last night. I guess I need to check the kids room to see if I can find something amiss. I wouldn't put it past either of them to try and sneak out.
Oh well, as I like to chant often...not my problem. It would explain the bent screen in the girls room though.
Time to wake up Caleb and get this day started.
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