Sunday, October 28, 2012

Not a freaking clue

I have no clue what I am going to write about. This works well for me over on momaroo so let's try "ramble blogging" and see where we end up.

Operation Skinny Ass is on. My jogging stroller is the bomb and we have big plans. Tomorrow we (the stroller and I) are taking Emily for a nice long walk at the beach. Mission has a wonderful path and with this puppy, we can cover quite a bit of distance. When Caleb gets home, we repeat the distance, only around here. I am figuring by the time we cover the distance to the lake, walk around it, and walk home, we are at 3 miles easy. 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Walk this shit off or die trying.

My Ipod has once again become my best friend. Nothing horrible is going on around here, but I feel myself just starting to taste independence and mentally checking out. The every day bullshit is (to quote T Swift) "so exhausting" and this brain needs a break.

I can't wait to get home to help out Whitney with the new baby and see my sweet baby B. I miss that little bugger so much. I also get to finally meet the new man in her life. I hope he is as fantastic in person as he seems now. Baby girl deserves happy.

My morning walk was cancelled due to Emily having serious tummy issues. Thankfully, a strong shot of the miracle drugs seems to have helped. She will be on heavy doses all week long to help get her regulated and then hopefully I can wean her off to normal doses to maintain. That child is amazing with how she deals with this stuff day in and day out.

I am hoping to squeeze in a walk tonight with Caleb and Em. It is the most relaxing thing I have done in a long time. I just plug the ipod in and Emily starts singing along and off we go. I forgot how awesome Cragislist could be for deals. A like new jogging stroller for 80 bucks. The ipod dock was the clincher. Caleb has already discovered he can plug my phone in as well and jam to his favorite songs on Youtube. I am raising two music crazy kids and I love it.

Except at times like this where Emily is sitting right next to me blaring One Direction. Even with my earbuds in, I can  hear them. Ugh...not my type of music AT ALL. Thankfully, I control the tunes when we walk and my playlist is all we work from.

Okay, that is my ramble for the day. Drunk blogging later tonight if you are lucky.

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