Monday, October 29, 2012

Truth is

I stole this idea from April. She loves me though, so I'm sure she won't mind.

Truth is, I have never connected with anyone the way I connect with you.

Truth is, I am a fantastic actress and can fake it with the best of them. Those smiling faces of me right after I moved here? They just hid the absolute sadness and were put on because I knew you would somehow see the pictures. We ran with a small group, honestly, I knew and wanted you to hurt.

Truth is, I hoped you would see me with someone else and realize your mistake.

Truth is, when I tried several times to get you to respond and got nothing, I put you in the back of my mind and did the best I could to make a life for myself with the man in my life.

Truth is, I was happy at times. I could go months without you crossing my mind.

Truth is, it would be the stupidest thing that brought you to the forefront. Like I am flipping channels one night and "The Mummy" is showing. BAM, I'm right back there in San Antonio walking along the river with you.

Truth is, I always hoped we would find each other again.

Truth is, I would have left in a heartbeat had you said "come back".

Truth is, that would have been a mistake for both of us. Not because "we" are wrong, but because "I" was reacting and not thinking.

Truth is, those I love the  most in the world feel like this is going to end with me hurt even more.

Truth is, as much as I love them and respect their opinion, I don't care what they think. There were only two people in this relationship and we are the only two that can know what we felt. (To those dear friends that are reading this, I love you dearly and I know you come from a place of love. Please don't take my words wrong)

Truth is, never has the sound of someones voice made me smile the way that yours does.

Truth is, making love to you was the closest I have ever felt to perfect.

Truth is, I hate what I said to you. I would take it back and tell you I'd wait forever if only you would answer my call.

Truth is, I am putting my body through hell in the hopes that someday you will pass my way and fall in love all over again. I gave up all sugar...we all know how much I love sugar.

Truth is, you are worth it.

Truth is, I remember our conversation last year at this time talking about carving pumpkins and taking the kids trick or treating and wish it were you by our side this year.

Truth is, there are days I wonder if this is all a waste of time. Have I lost you for good?

Truth is, I can't even think about that because it would break my heart.

Truth is, I love you. I fell in love with you in San Antonio...

Truth is, I wish you would say something...anything...please.

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